General Resources

Directions: Click the download button to open a preview page of each resource. On that preview page, click the blue “USE TEMPLATE” button in the top-right corner to open the resource in Google Docs and start customizing it to your needs! It can be exported as a Word document, a PDF, or printed.

Templates contain our logo as a placeholder. When using them, please feel free to remove the FBC logo and insert your organization’s logo in its place. Highlighted content will also need to be personalized for your unique project.

NEW CLIENT CHECKLIST: A list of documents and resources for FBC to learn about you and your organization.

OVERVIEW OF ENGAGEMENT DELIVERABLES: A template to manage timelines and expectations for our work deliverables.

ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES – BOARD & PROFESSIONAL TEAM: An outline of the projected commitments (both tasks and time) for board members, professional team members, and the FBC team.

SAMPLE TEAM MEETING AGENDA: An outline for a standing weekly or monthly meeting agenda.

SAMPLE MEETING NOTES TEMPLATE: A template that provides structure to capture the core discussion points and the follow-up action items for all meeting participants.

We believe in methods (and intuition).